Ci terrei a precisare...

Che le foto su questo Blog, a meno che non sia specificato diversamente, sono tutte made by ~The Miss~ (me stessa xD), quindi, in caso le vogliate prendere, siete pregati di mettere gli appositi credits.
Grazie, Thanks, Merci, Danke, Gracias, 谢谢, ありがとう, 고마워! ^ω^


Midnight with me.

Get up, get dressed and motivated.
At least, try.
Make your weaknesses become things that make you stronger and stronger.
If you fall or get hurt, get up, heal, you will start again and again.

It was not a long lasting love, but it was passionate.
Goodbye, boxe.
You were such a good sport.


~The Miss~

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